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Call, text, or email to schedule an appointment today

My Integrity Counseling provides online counseling and substance abuse treatment to residents of Ohio, Wyoming, Missouri, Montana, and Texas. We would love to answer any questions and help you get scheduled in the method of communication you prefer: phone, text, or email. We can discuss how our online counseling sessions can treat a wide range of psychological and trauma-based issues as well as substance abuse disorders. We have years of experience as therapists, and we are compassionate and good listeners. We understand that getting started can be the hardest step. But seeking help from our counselors is the first step towards living the life you want to live.

How Our Online Counseling Sessions Work

We are excited to serve clients throughout Ohio, Wyoming, Missouri, Michigan, and Texas. All you need to begin treatment is a video-enabled laptop, tablet, or phone and an internet connection. When we speak with you, we use a HIPAA-secure video provided by our agency. We do this for your confidentiality. This software will ensure that no one else can access your sessions and will function just like an in-person visit.

How to Get in Touch With Our Team

We can’t wait to hear from you. We are passionate about helping our clients learn to deal with past traumas and learn to cope with behavioral health. We offer a range of treatments for a wide array of conditions, such as anxiety, depression, sexual and pornography addictions, substance abuse disorders, and more.Call, text, or email us to get started with your initial evaluation today.


Rates & Insurance

We accept most major insurances. For those without insurance, we do offer cash pay options. We also offer options for those experiencing financial hardship. Please ask our administrative staff for more information. We accept the following insurances:

  • Medical Mutual
  • Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield
  • Molina
  • Buckeye
  • Medicaid
  • Care Source
  • Cigna
  • UMR
  • Aetna
  • Medicare
  • Ambetter
  • Oscar
  • OhioRise
  • Medicare Advantage Plans
  • Magellan
  • Devoted

Charitable Care

We started our agency to ensure our fellow Ohioans were able to access quality health care without boundaries, whether those boundaries are distance or finances. Talk to us about your financial needs and we are glad to work with you. To date, our clinicians have donated thousands of dollars and hours to make sure everyone can have access to quality mental health care.

Affordable and Convenient Online Therapy

At My Integrity Counseling, we believe that online counseling is an excellent choice for our clients. It offers many benefits, including privacy, convenience, and affordability. It enables clients to get better while in the comfort of their homes. And it eliminates travel time and gasoline costs. Most importantly, it provides the emotional support many of us need.

Get Started Today

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